Japanese ENGLISH

Laboratory animals


* National Institute of Infectious Diseases.



Source Charles River Laboratories,Inc.(U.S.A)(1968)
Coat color Albino
  • Gentle, Good growth, High fertility, Large
  • Use for studies: Biomedical research, Bioassays


Source Institute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo(1968)
Coat color Albino
  • Gentle, Good growth, High fertility, Comparatively small
  • Use for studies: Biomedical research, Bioassays


Source Institute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo(1974)
Coat color Albino
  • Gentle, Good growth, High fertility, Large
  • Use for studies: Biomedical research, Bioassays


Source Tohoku university School of Medicine(1994 or 1996)
Coat color Hooded
  • Use for studies: Ophthalmology, Behavior


Source Japanese Foundation For Cancer Reserch(1973)
Coat color Albino
  • Gentle, Good growth, High fertility, Large
  • High susceptibility to Yoshida sarcoma
  • Use for studies: Experimental oncology



Source Institute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo(1980)
Coat color Albino
  • Gentle, Good growth, High fertility, Small
  • Use for studies: Pharmacology, Long-term carcinogenicity



Source Kumamoto University School of medicine(1983)
This strain was produced by hysterectomy and fostering(parent:SD[GN]) in 1984
Coat color Dark Agouti
  • Use for studies: Adjuvant-induced arthritis, Collage-induced arthritis (CIA), Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, Transplantation immunity, Diarrhea by the side effect of CTP -11 (irinotecan)



Source National Cancer Institute of Health,USA(1994)
Coat color c,a,h(Albino)
  • Type II collagen arthritis (Drug-induced), Autoimmunization-related cardiomyopathy


Source National Cancer Institute of Health,USA(1994)
Coat color a,b,h(Brown)
  • Use for studies: Transplantation immunity, Allergy


Source Hokkaido University School of Medicine(1982)
Coat color Albino
  • medium-sized, Nervous
  • Use for studies: Transplantation immunity


Source U.S National Instute of Infectious Diseases(1992)
Coat color A、B、h1
(Brownish-grey、There is a facula of the shape of irregularity on the chest and the abdomen.)
  • Use for studies: Cancerogenesis


Source Instiute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo. (1985)
  • Male: Glomerulus disorder with the proteinuria developed from young, Chronic renal failure by progress


Source The animal which shows the bleeding tendency is found in the colony which had been mating and maintained at Michigan University.
In 1972, it was reported that the platelet function was abnormal.Coat Color:Hooded(fawn) Pink eyes
  • Thrombocytic serotonin releasing capacity abnormality, Decrease of quantity of blood serotonin, Prolongation of hemostasis time
  • Use for studies: Renal failure with aging, Hypertension

Disease Models



Source Donated to Tokyo Medical College from Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. as LETL rats(Patent No.2976230)(1984)
Tokyo Medical College(2004)
Coat color Hooded
  • Type I diabetes mellitus, Autoimmune disease



Source Tohoku University School of Medicine(1999)
Coat color Albino
  • Use for studies: Type II diabetes mellitus (Elevation of blood glucose level; minor), Non-insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)



Source Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo(1978)
Coat color Albino
  • Male only: Hyperglycemia, Glycosuria, Cataract, Chronic pancreatitis


WBN/KobSlc -Leprfa

Source Institute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo(1978)
Gene Leprfa
Coat color Albino
  • Obesity
  • Male only: Hyperglycemia, Glycosuria, Cataract, Chronic pancreatitis


SHR/NDmcr -cp/cp

Source Breeding and supply entrusted by the joint Disease Model Cooperative Research Association.(2000)
Gene Leprcp
Coat color Albino
  • Obesity, Glycosuria, Hypertension, Nephritis


DahlS.Z -Leprfa/Slc

Source Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
Gene Leprfa
Coat color Albino
  • Obesity, Glycosuria, Hypertension, Aneurysm


SHRSP/IDmcr -fa/fa

Source Breeding and supply entrusted by the joint Disease Model Cooperative Research Association.(2005)
Gene Leprfa
Coat color Albino
  • Obesity, Hypertension, Cerebrovascular disorder


Slc:Zucker -fa/fa

Source Tokyo University School of Medicine(1996)
Gene Leprfa
Coat color Hooded
  • Obesity, Ectopic calcification


Hos:ZFDM -Leprfa

Source Hoshino Laboratory Animals, Inc.(2008)
Gene Leprfa
Coat color Hooded
  • Use for studies: Obesity, Hyperlipidemia, Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Diabetic nephropathy


(Hypertensive diseases)
WKY/Izm(Control to SHR/lzm)

Source Breeding and supply entrusted by the Joint Research Association for Disease Models such as SHR (2000)
Coat color Albino
  • Hypertension (SHR/Izm)
  • Cerebrovascular disorder (SHRSP/Izm)


DIS/EisSlc (Dahl-lwai S)
(Salt-sensitive rat)
DIR/EisSlc (Dahl-lwai R)
(Salt-resistant rat)

Source These rats are bred and produced at Esai co., Ltd., and provided by SLC.(2004)
Coat color Albino
  • High salt sensitive hypertension (DIS/EisSlc)
  • Salt resistance (DIR/EisSlc)
  • Heart failure and blood pressure-related study: Use of the exclusive feed



Source Distribution of breeding production by entrusted the joint Disease Model Cooperative Research Association(DMCRA).
  • Fatty deposition of intestinal membrane artery: High fat diet (HFC) (Funabashi Farm Co.,Ltd.)
  • Severe fibrosis of liver by fatty deposition

Colon caner-prone

F344/NSlc -Apcmlkyo
KAD(Kyoto Apc delta)

Source Institute of Laboratory Animals, Kyoto University
Coat color Albino
  • This strain was produced by ENU mutagenesis using F344/NSlc and had nonsense mutation (S2523X) in the Apc gene which is a cause gene of family type colorectal cancer.
  • Remarkable colorectal cancer susceptibility : azoxy methane (AOM) + dextran sulfate (DSS)


(Hyper-brilirubinuric rat)

Source Breeding and sales entrusted by Eisai Co.,Ltd.(2004)
Coat color Albino
  • Use for studies: Bilirubin metabolism (human constitutional jaundice model), Toxic evaluation of the organic anionic drug


(Dwarf rat)

Source Hoechst Marion Roussel Inc.Japan(1996)
Coat color Albino
  • Deficiency of the somatotrope in anterior pituitary glands, Dwarfish

Mast cell deficiency

Slc:WsRC -Ws/Ws

Source Laboratory of experimental Animals,Yagi Memorial Park(1993)
Gene KitWs
Coat color White color and Black eyes
  • Anemia, Mast cells deficiency
  • Use for studies: Enterokinesis function


(Hairless rat)

Source Laboratory of Experimental Animals,Yagi Memorial Park(1993)
Coat color Hairless rat(Albino)
  • Use for studies: Clinic and fundamental researches of the skin, Percutaneous absorption, UV radiation, Pressure sore
  • J Anat. 1997 Jul; 191: 99–106. Hair follicles of young Wistar strain hairless rats: a histological study


(Green rat)

Source Genome Information Research Center,Osaka University(2002)
  • Most tissue cells express EGFP by CAG promoter and express green fluorescence (Photo ※).

The customers using the above animals with modified genes are kindly requested to comply with related laws.
A GFP license is required for commercial organizations to utilize the above animals.



Source Institute of Medical Science,University of Tokyo(1980)
Coat color Albino
  • small in body size
  • Rapid growth rate
  • Low level of aggressiveness
  • Easy to handle because of their gentleness
  • Used for pharmacology, efficacy, and long-term carcinogenicity tests

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